Tuesday, April 20, 2010

جوجه كباب مع ماستو خيار وشيرازى سالاد juja kebab with mastu khiyar and shirazy salad

this is a famous Iranian meal..in fact Iran is famous with a different kinds of kebab..this a very simple and delicious dish..you can cook it on the stove or in the grill in both ways will have a very yummy way to cook your chicken and this recipe is very suitable if you inviting friends or family over..you'll just have to prepare it a day before and the next day all you have to do is cooking it and it will be ready in minutes.for the salads they have different kinds of salads with this meal we will make two kind of salad both of them are yummy and healthy.
's start with Juja kebab

the ingredients:
1\2 kilo chicken breasts
small onion-chopped
1 tbsp Turmeric
1 tsp
Saffron1 1\2 Yogurt1 lemon juice
2 tbsp butter


on the stove put a pan and add some oiladd the chopped onion and stir until it's tender
add the turmeric and stir
remove it of the fire
cut the chicken breasts into medium pieces
put the chicken breasts in a bowl and then add the previous mixture on it and mix
season it with salt and pepper
add the saffron and mix well
then the lemon juice and finally the yogurtkeep it in the fridge between 6 h : 24 h
put a pan on the stove and add some butter and oilpick the chicken breasts from the mixture and fry it
until it's cooked and golden

salad Chirazy :to make the first kind of salad we will need:
1 big tomato-chopped
1 medium onion-chopped
some dill-chopped
pepper-salt1 lemon juice


mix the tomato with onion and dill
season with salt and pepper
add the lemon juice
add the oil and mix well

..and it's ready to go..easy right?!

mastu khiyar ( khiyar means cucumber but I have no idea what mastu is !!:) )
the ingredients:2 cucumbers -grated
1 1\2 cup of yogurt
salt- pepper
Clove of garlic -minced
2tbsp dry mint

mix all together and seasoned with salt and pepper

الوجبه دى من الوجبات الايرانيه المشهوره ايران فى الحقيقه من الدول اللى بتشتهر بانواع كتيره من الكباب والطبق دا من الاطباق اللذيذه والسهله وممكن طبخه على البوتاجاز اوعلى الشوايه فى الحالتين هتحصلى على طبق شهى جدا من الفراخ وهى مناسبه جدا اذا كنت داعيه اصدقاء او قرايب على عزومه لأن ممكن تحضيره فبلها بيوم وتانى يوم كل اللى محتاجاه انك تطبيخيه فى دقايق بس
اما بالنسبه للسلطه ايران فيها انواع سلطات كتير مع الوجبه دى هنعمل نوعيت شهييتن جدا وصحين جدا
نبدأ مع الكباب
1/2 كيلو صدور دجاج
بصله صغيره مقطعه
1 ملعقه كبيره كركم
1 ملعقه ص زعفران
1 1/2 كوب ذبادى
1 عصير ليمونه
2 م ك زبده

ضعى اناء على النار مع قليل من الزيت
اضيفى البصل المقطع مع التقليب حتى يصبح طريا
اضيفى الكركم واخلطى جيدا
ازيحى الانا من على النا
قومى بتقطيع الدجاج قطع متوسطة الحجم
ضعيها فى طبق عميق واضيفى اليها مزيج البصل والكركم وقلبى جيدا
اضبفى الملح والفلف واخلطى
ثم اضيفى الزعفران واخلطى جيدا
اضيفى عصير الليمون وفى النهايه الزبادى وامزجيه جيدا
يوضع فى الثلاجه مده تترواح بين 6ساعات الى 24 ساعه
ضعى اناء على النار واضيفى الزبده والزيت
انشلى قطع الدجاج من الزبادى وضعيها فى الاناء على النار
تقلب على الوجهين حتى تنضج ويصبح لونها ذهبى

سالاد شيرازى

لعمل النوع الاول من السلطه سنحتاج الى
1 طماطم كبيره مقطعه
1 بصله متوسطه مقطعه
شبت مقطع
ملح)/ فلفل
1 عصير ليمونه

اخلطى الطماطم مع البصل والشبت
اضيفى الملح والفلفل
اضيفى عصير الليمون واخلطى
ثم الزيت واخلطى جيدا

السلطه الثانيه

ماستو خيار

2 خيلر مبشور
11/2 كوب ذبادى
فص ثوم مفروم
2 ملعقه صغيره نعناع ناشف

تخلط جميع المقادير مع بعضها ويضاف اليهم الملح والفلفل


Mindy Princess said...

OH, Marwa.... sounds very delicious!

yummy recipes said...

Thanks Betty..it always makes me happy seeing you here.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

A scrumptious and light meal! Now I'm hungry!



Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely meal. This really sounds delicious. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

yummy recipes said...

Rosa and Mary thanks for visiting..I'm glad you liked it.

theUngourmet said...

This looks like a delicious dish! The salad looks so good too with the fresh dill. Dill is just about my favorite herb!

yummy recipes said...

I agree dill makes any food more tasty..thanx for visiting and keep in touch :)

Tina said...

kebab and salad looks awesome))

Amy B. said...

Who doesn't love kebabs? This is one of my favorites! Thanks for sharing this, I'd love to share this to our readers in Foodista. Im sure a lot would love your post. Just add the foodista widget for chicken kebabs at the end of this post, and that should do it! Looking forward to your next yummy posts! xx

Cheers from Australia,
Amy @ Foodista

Medifast Coupons said...

They all sound great, thanks for sharing your dinner idea.

yummy recipes said...

Thanks Guys I'm glad yo liked it :)

Medifast Side Effects said...

Three great sounding recipes, something different for my friends to try. Even better that I can get the chicken ready the day before, more time to visit.
Thanks for three new recipes to try.

Mimi Cooks said...

Congratulations! You have been awarded "Stylish blogger award". Check it out here: http://mimicooks.com/2011/05/award.html

Anonymous said...

Great recipe! I just wonder what the yogurt quantity is. Is it 1/2 cup? Can't wait to try it...saffron...mmmm..... yummmmmy

Susy said...

Looks delicious!!

yummy recipes said...

Hi guys sorry for being away for so long but my mom was so sick and she died after that thanks for your great comments.

yummy recipes said...

for the yogurt it cup and half.

Gw said...
