the ingredients
2.5 cup of flour
baking powder
3 eggs
1.5 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of margarine
1 cup of milk
3 or 4 apples cut into slices
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnamon-powder
1/2 cup of sugar
Method :
Reheat the oven
cut the apples into slices
add the 2 tbsp of sugar and the cinnamon to the sugar and stir well
in a 28 size pan put the 2/1 cup of sugar on the stove and caramelize it but it's very important it just have the light golden color not more than that
put the apples in the oven pan
now start to make the cake by adding
3 eggs+vanilla+1.5 cup of sugar+1/2 cup of margarine +1 cup of milk and mix it well with the mixer
sift the flour with the baking powder an add it to the previous mixture and mix well in one direction
pour it over the caramel and the apples
put it in the oven between 35:45 mins
when it's done leave it to cool and then turn it on a serving plate
2.5 cup of flour
baking powder
3 eggs
1.5 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of margarine
1 cup of milk
3 or 4 apples cut into slices
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnamon-powder
1/2 cup of sugar
Method :
Reheat the oven
cut the apples into slices
add the 2 tbsp of sugar and the cinnamon to the sugar and stir well
in a 28 size pan put the 2/1 cup of sugar on the stove and caramelize it but it's very important it just have the light golden color not more than that
put the apples in the oven pan
now start to make the cake by adding
3 eggs+vanilla+1.5 cup of sugar+1/2 cup of margarine +1 cup of milk and mix it well with the mixer
sift the flour with the baking powder an add it to the previous mixture and mix well in one direction
pour it over the caramel and the apples
put it in the oven between 35:45 mins
when it's done leave it to cool and then turn it on a serving plate
2.5 كوب دقيق
باكو بيكنج بودر
3 بيض
1.5 كوب سكر
نصف كوب سمن
كوب لبن
3أو 4 ثمرات تفاح مقطعه شرائح طولية
ملعقتين كبار سكر
ملعقة صغيرة قرفة مطحونة
نصف كوب سكر
سخنى الفرن
قطعى 3 أو 4 ثمرات تفاح الى شرائح طولية فى وعاء
رشى عليهم ملعقتين كبار سكر وملعقة صغيرة قرفة مطحونة وقلبيهم مع التفاح
ضعى نصف كوب سكر فى صينية مقاس 28 وأحرقيهم على النار لصنع الكراميل مع مراعاة ان يكون لون الكراميل فاته وذهبى هذا مهم جدا
رصى التفاح فى الصينية
ٍٍّّأبدأى فى عمل الكيكة بوضع 3بيض + فانيليا +1.5 كوب سكر + نصف كوب سمن + كوب لبن ويضرب جيدا فى الخلاط
ننخل الدقيق مع البيكج بودرونضيفه على الخليط السابق مع مراعاة الضرب فى اتجاه واحد
ثم يصب فى الصينية فوق التفاح
وتدخل فى الفرن لمدة 35 الى 40 دقيقة
تخرج من الفرن وتترك لتبرد ثم تقلي على طبق تقديم
What a wonderful cake! I love apples, cinnamon and caramel!
Thanks for dropping by!
I love apple cake too. It's really delicious when caramel and cinnamon are added!
wow this looks so yummy
and so easy to bake adn with apples even better
Hello, i wanted to thank you for posting a comment on my blog...i really appreciate every comment from any visitor. for some reason i was not getting my comment notification and i had no idea that i had a lot of comments to get back to! it has been months since i got any comments and i was worried people were not enjoying my recipes or my posts :)
but thanks for adding me to your blog roll and thanks for checking my blog and recipes, i really appreciate it. You have a nice blog too, will have to come back here and check out more of your stuff!
wow this look so cook i love apple cake. remind me of home
Wow.... Looks WONDERFUL!!!
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